mercredi 2 janvier 2008

Happy New Year from Kho Surin

To all of you i wish a happy new year!

We've spent a funny night on the 31st of december: far far away from the cold winter of Europe, we were indeed on a wonderfull and lonely beach in the Kho Surin National Park (Andamans sea)!

Perfect spot for a wonderfull night meeting interesting people: Herve and Goska, two frenchies riding their bikes from Kasakstan to Beijing, Andy and Sylvia, austrians shooting a documentary about backpackers, Tom, the local thai who offered us fried squids if we would drink with him... and so many others!

It was also confortable to feel home again as the "Snakes" were gathered again: Aurelien, Jerome, Marion, Marjo, Damien, Flo, et Delphine, une fine equipe qui se fait plaisir.

So 2007 was great; more than that as you know. It ended up with a great snorqueling day in one of the most amazing spots on the planet. I have so many wishes for 2008, so many trips in my mind... that i'm going to need time to do them all! But i'll try to let you know how it goes!

I dont have much time before leaving again south to visit the rain forest and the islands, but i wish you all the best, YOUR best. Whatever it is that makes you happy i sincerely hope that you achieve it this year, or at least that you do the first steps!


3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Bonne année les snakes !
Je vous souhaite encore plus de trips, encore plus de marron et encore plus de pitw...

Je vous embrasse

Marion (from Paris)

Anonyme a dit…

Hello everybody,

Quoi vous souhaitez ?? Encore plus de merveilles et que du bonheur pour 2008....
Profitez bien de cette jolie balade, ici la nature commence à reprendre ses aises sur le sentier du Baou..... Depuis votre départ, le chemin devient indéfinissablement obscur...

Bonnie & Clyde qqpart sur la route de la clapière !!

Anonyme a dit…

Bonne année à vous aussi...
Plein de bonnes choses comme on dit. compte tenu du fait que vous etes en train d erealiser votre reve... je crois que vous etes bien partis!!
Des bisous encore et toujours...